who have passed to higher service

Lion Thomas Riley MJF
1950 - 2021
It is with great sadness that we have had to say goodbye to one of our Lions and a very dear friend.
Tom was a member of Stamford and District Lions Club for 33 years, in February 2020 he was presented with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award, the highest form of recognition in Lions Clubs International and it acknowledges his exemplary service to the Club and the community.
He joined Lions on 1st February 1988 and quickly became involved and then responsible for the Talking Newspaper, which provides an audio version of the Stamford Mercury for people who are visually impaired. For many years he had a team of readers, they recorded the items and the Cassettes would be copied and sent to the listeners. By obtaining funding from various sources and purchasing new equipment, he progressed the system from Cassettes to CD’s and now to Memory Sticks. When other teams of readers took over Tom continued to copy and distribute the Talking Newspaper for 51 weeks a year without fail, until he was no longer well enough to do so.
Tom was a dedicated Lion, he supported fellow Lions, the Club and Lions Clubs International, enjoying the Community Service, organising events and friendship. He served 4 terms as club President, and until January this year he was still serving as Treasurer, a position he held for many years.
He was always involved in the organisation and running of events, the most regular being the annual Family Fun Day during Stamford Festival, the Christmas Tree Festival which he saved after the original organisers decided they weren’t able to continue and Santa’s Grotto, part of the Christmas Market. Although he had supported the Family Fun Day every year, he was also instrumental in changing it and making it more appealing to all ages. His dream, which he made a reality, was to have a musical event back on the Recreation Ground, Rock on the Rec was born and has been a great success. A free musical event for all ages and the people of Stamford have loved it. Rock on the Rec 2022 will keep his dream alive and will be in his memory.
The Lion’s motto is “We Serve” which was what Tom did. He will be greatly missed, as a Lion and a true friend.
Rest in Peace Lion Tom, you have served your community well.
Lion Cindy Brewer
1938 - 2016
Stamford and District Lions Club are sad to announce the passing of Lion Cindy. She was a dedicated Lion for 22 years.
She served as President and Zone Chairman, and helped our club raise much needed funds for use in the local community.
She will be greatly missed by fellow Lions, friends and family.
Rest in Peace Lion Cindy you served your community well.
Lion Geoff Winson
1925 - 2015
Stamford and District Lions Club are sad to announce the passing of Lion Geoff. He was a dedicated Lion for 20 years.
He served as President and Community Service Officer, and helped to achieve great things for those in need in the community.
He will be greatly missed by fellow Lions, friends and family.
Rest in Peace Lion Geoff, you have served your community well.